On the radio this week–Walk the Way

On the radio this week–Walk the Way

This is Walk the Way, brought to you by Q Place, I’m Jeff Klein. My oldest son, Benjamin, has a fiercely independent spirit. Because of that, he often learns his lessons in life the hard way. Then it seems, and only then, Ben’s behavior changes. He is wired to learn by experience. How are you wired? When it comes to matters of faith, the Hebrews believed in experiencing faith. For them, action, practice and “walking the talk” was actually what changed a person. Experience was the thing that rooted and deepened belief. Then the heart would follow. So, if this...Read more …
On the Radio–Today on Walk the Way

On the Radio–Today on Walk the Way

This is Walk the Way, brought to you by Q Place, I’m Jeff Klein. Titus 2:10 finishes with these words: …so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive. Here, Paul is talking about those who call themselves followers of Jesus and how their lives are supposed to make the Gospel attractive. This got me thinking about mine. Did my baseball coaching this summer make the Gospel attractive to everyone at the games? Does my parenting reflect the love of God my Savior? What would someone conclude about my God watching me interact with...Read more …
On the Radio this week–Walk the Way

On the Radio this week–Walk the Way

This is Walk the Way. Brought to you by Q Place. I’m Jeff Klein. Russ works in the tech industry in Silicon Valley, CA; he works with people from all over the world and travels the globe. Russ also is very connected right where he lives–he’s been intentional about getting to know his neighbors. So when his church began to continually emphasize the importance of reaching others with the gospel, Russ realized he was actually “positioned” to do so! Good evangelism requires relationship–and both at work and home, Russ’ life was rich with it. So Russ signed up for training on...Read more …
On the Radio – Walk the Way

On the Radio – Walk the Way

This is Walk the Way, brought to you by Q Place,  I’m Jeff Klein. And I’m Pam Klein When we traveled to Australia a few years ago, we drove along Australia’s Great Ocean Road, with its massive coastline cliffs. When we stopped at a beach inlet, we heard the ocean, roaring somewhere in the distance. So we set off in search of the sound. Surely the ocean was right there! It wasn’t. Now, I’m the adventurous one, but even I thought we should turn back. Jeff wanted to press on. So we did. Finally, open before us, was the Bass...Read more …
On the Radio – Walk the Way

On the Radio – Walk the Way

This is Walk the Way. Brought to you by Q Place. I’m Jeff Klein. And I’m Pam Klein. Yonas is a friend from our church. Originally a refugee from Ethiopia, when Yonas first arrived, his neighbor, Johannes, welcomed him and walked alongside him. Yonas talks about how important Johannes was in his life, giving Johannes credit for leading him to Christ. Just recently, Johannes died, leaving his wife Zemzem behind. Yonas wanted to help this man who’d helped him in so many ways and offered to help Zemzem with some outside house maintenance.  Our church family had the privilege of...Read more …

On the Radio Today – Walk the Way

This is Walk the Way. Brought to you by Q Place. I’m Jeff Klein. And I’m Ben Klein. Most of the real lessons I learned in life came through my own self-discovery. This is proving to be true for my oldest son, Benjamin, as well. (Ben) Yeah, I’ve always pushed the limits, and when my dad warned me that twenty-one year old bones can’t take the pounding like my teenage bones used to, I didn’t listen. I’m stubborn and still too crazy. But then – in a late-night summer chase game with my younger brother and all his cronies, I leapt...Read more …
On the Radio this Week – Walk the Way

On the Radio this Week – Walk the Way

This is Walk the Way, brought to you by Q Place, I’m Jeff Klein. And I’m Pam Klein. Chicago was so crowded the night we went in for my birthday dinner! We’d forgotten it was the same day as the Gay Pride parade. But one look at all the colorful clothing that surrounded us and it clicked. Fortunately, we secured an Uber to get us around downtown.  Tangela was our driver–and was she ever decked out! Blue lipstick. A great hat with a huge heart on it, rainbow fingernails. Festive to the “nth” degree! And before we knew it, it...Read more …
On the Radio this week – Walk the Way

On the Radio this week – Walk the Way

This is Walk the Way, brought to you by Q Place, I’m Jeff Klein. And I’m Pam Klein. My friend and I had just left a garage sale in a very expensive neighborhood and set our GPS to the address of the next one (this is regular summer Friday stuff for us) when we saw a very long fence between two of these exclusive properties painted green, pink, purple, orange and yellow. Yup. One section one solid color, then another, another color, but then individual slats–one after the other–each painted a different color. It was crazy! And in this neighborhood?...Read more …
On the Radio this week – Walk the Way

On the Radio this week – Walk the Way

This is Walk the Way, brought to you by Q Place, I’m Jeff Klein.  And I’m Pam Klein. In light of recent events that have happened around the world and in our own country, people are once again asking a myriad of questions. So you say there’s a God? Is your God the same God as my God? Why does God allow evil and hate? How should I respond? Or these: Who do I need to be afraid of? Will violence ever stop? What does peace look like? In many ways, these questions aren’t new–they’ve been asked in countless ways, by...Read more …
On the Radio this Week – Walk the Way

On the Radio this Week – Walk the Way

This is Walk the Way, brought to you by Q Place, I’m Jeff Klein. And I’m Pam Klein. My summer book club just read a lovely novel about a French bookstore owner who sells books from a floating barge on the Seine river. But he’s gifted. Jean Perdu can literally prescribe just the right book for anyone to help mend their broken hearts and souls. Of course, the only person he can’t heal is himself, but you’ll have to read the story for yourself to find out more. Among all the things I enjoyed about this book, I found the...Read more …