Jesus 3:12

In March we launched a new pilot church strategy based on what Jesus modeled in the context of His relationship with three of the twelve apostles: Peter, James and John. Even in the most intense time of His preparation for the cross, Jesus worked intentionally and specifically with these three, showing them the way to follow Him. We’re calling this strategy “Jesus 3:12.” Just like Jesus did, we believe that a powerful way to make disciples relationally is to start with a triad—three committed followers of Jesus who spend time praying together, growing together in the Word, and taking action...Read more …


Every year Q Place holds a 3-day event specifically for Q Place Catalysts. Called “Revitalize,” this event is designed to recharge our Catalysts and to inform them about the most recent Q Place developments. On April 16-18, about 40 Catalysts attended, and many described this year’s event as “the best one ever.” The dictionary defines a “catalyst” as a person who precipitates an event or change. It goes on to say that a catalyst’s talk, enthusiasm, or energy creates the proper conditions for that change. Q Place Catalysts fit this definition perfectly because wherever they go, the winds of change begin...Read more …


This past year we have embarked on a new VITAL journey. Rather than planning and carrying out a new 3-day event once a year in the Chicago area, we are now holding regional 1-day VITAL events all over the country. The purpose of the event is more focused: to find and inspire people who would like to start Q Places and church leaders who would like to start Q Place Ministries. We found a ministry friend in Hugh Halter, who shared his experience and challenged the attendees at each VITAL event—to rethink what it could look like to live out...Read more …
A Seeker’s Response to Questions & Answers

A Seeker’s Response to Questions & Answers

When I was in 2nd grade a friend asked me if I believed in God. I said “No” and she went and tattled to the teacher. When I was in high school, I babysat for some wonderful neighbors and friends of ours. One of their daughters asked me if I believed in God, and I said “No.” She burst into tears and cried because I was going to hell. And people wonder why I have a negative view about religion? When I became an adult and considered the possibility that I may not have all the answers, I started going...Read more …

Q Place on the radio!

Imagine turning on your favorite Christian radio station as you commute home or opening a daily email because you subscribed, and hearing a “brought to you from Q-Place” one-minute challenge encouraging you and believers everywhere to interact with people in ways that help them see Jesus. Guess what? This is now reality! Here’s how it happened and what it means to you: For the past eight years, Jeff Klein, the Midwest Regional Leader for Q Place, and his wife, Pam, have written, produced, and recorded a daily one-minute radio spot called Walk the Way. Walk the Way encourages Christians not just to talk about...Read more …

The President’s Corner

The classic movie, Oliver, is one of my favorites; especially because of that famous scene in which young Oliver Twist holds his bowl in front of his face and dares to ask the scowling Mr. Bumble for more porridge. “Please, sir, I want some more.” At Q Place we believe the spiritually hungry are often like Oliver, longing for something substantial to fill the emptiness inside, but what they experience from Christians is similar to what Oliver did with Mr. Bumble. They are often met with a suspicious gaze, dished up with an unsolicited Gospel presentation and not met at...Read more …

A Way to Help Q Places Multiply—Coming May 19!

As a ministry, Q Place has taken on the challenge of figuring out how to spread and support this approach that is touching a strong chord with people in a post-modern culture. We want to help more and more Christians come on board and become equipped and supported as they engage relationally in ongoing conversations about God with people around them. We believe that God has guided us in developing one key aspect of support, which we are thrilled to launch later this month. On May 19th, at, we will be launching a brand new multi-faceted membership resource called...Read more …
Power of a Question

Power of a Question

Did you know that the Gospels record Jesus asking 183 questions? That, when asked, He only gave three direct answers to three questions, but answered 307 questions with a question! (Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus by Sherry Weddell, Our Sunday Visitor, 2012) What do you think caused the Son of God to ask so many questions? What happens to you when someone asks you a genuine question and then stops to listen to your answer? How does it make you feel? What does it do to your thinking? Pastor Mark Ashton says, “The question is...Read more …
On the Radio –  Walk the Way

On the Radio – Walk the Way

This is Walk the Way, brought to you by Q Place, I’m Jeff Klein. When my daughter Lenna was little, she’d crawl up in my lap and talk while I was trying to watch TV. But I confess: she hardly had my undivided attention. I was trying to relax! Couldn’t I just watch my golf or favorite show in peace? I’d only half listen to her incessant babble and she knew it. Lenna would get so irritated with me because she knew I wasn’t really tuned in – and she wanted my FULL attention. So she’d grab my cheeks with...Read more …