To What End?
It was the last morning at our rustic, backwoods bed & breakfast in the Colorado Rockies. My husband and I loved this place and were trying to schedule a return trip during the height of the aspens’ fall colors. As we discussed my work schedule, our host, Jim, asked me what I do. I told him I train people to engage in spiritual conversations about life, God and the Bible with people who believe differently.
Jim looked me straight in the eye and asked a great question: “To what end?”
How would you answer that question? What is the goal of your Q Place?
The Q Place mission statement says we “mobilize Christians to facilitate group discussions with spiritual seekers so they can find God as revealed in the Bible.” We want people to know God!
But I didn’t say that to Jim.
Over the previous three days at Jim’s Bed & Breakfast, we’d had several conversations about his life and interests, although none were spiritual. Jim and I had even spent a fun evening playing guitars together. As he asked me this question now, I felt like what he was really asking was, “Are you just trying to convert people?”
I don’t think most people want anyone to try to convert them. And thankfully, that’s not my job. I’ll let the Holy Spirit convince and convict (John 16:18).
So, what did I say to Jim?
It went something like this: “We want to provide a safe place for people to process what they believe, to sort out their spiritual questions, to get them on the table and decide for themselves what they believe and why.”
That’s the job of the Q Place facilitator.
Fran Goodrich
SW Regional Catalyst
Excellent. Well said, Fran.