ReKindle: Engaging Gospel Conversation
We are pleased to announce that Q Place and The Billy Graham Center for Evangelism have partnered up to create ReKindle, an evangelism training YouTube channel, to equip and inspire Christian leaders to engage in and inspire others towards gospel conversations.
As followers of Christ who have been entrusted to positions of leadership—whether in the marketplace, in churches, in organizations, in communities, or in homes—we must be on a passionate pursuit to engage others in gospel conversations by living lives of authentic gospel witness. Through this series of videos our hope is that you would find your very DNA changing in such a way that the spoken and lived gospel becomes second nature and your first priority.
ReKindle launches September 1, with new videos posted weekly. It begins with a five-part video series featuring:
- Ed Stetzer, Executive Director, Lifeway Research “ReKindling a Gospel Passion in Leadership” This is a great piece for all leaders.
- Sam Kim, founder and pastor, 180 Church NYC “ReKindling the Gospel in the Congregation” Especially for pastors.
- Skip Vaccarello, businessman and author, Finding God in Silicon Valley “ReKindling the Gospel in the Workplace” For business leaders.
- York Moore, national evangelist, Intervarsity USA “ReKindling the Gospel in Culture (using current events as onramps to conversations) For all of us.
- Laurel Bunker, Dean of Students and Campus Pastor, Bethel University “ReKindling the Everyday Gospel” For each one of us.