Good deeds, good outreach

Good deeds, good outreach

If there is one thing we can learn from the history of the early church, it’s this: Without seminaries, church growth seminars, elaborate youth programs, large campuses, and giant screens with multi-media presentations, the church still grew at a phenomenal rate. Why? Because the early Christians lived in such a way that caused the world to stand up and take notice! They had a distinctive lifestyle that couldn’t be ignored–it was compelling. Living with selfless abandon gets everyone’s attention. Then and now. Good deeds Like the early church, do you want to form a compelling bridge over which the good news can travel to a...Read more …
Is the wrong rule holding you back?

Is the wrong rule holding you back?

 Cheryl Bachelder shoots the arrow pretty straight when it comes to her passionate belief in servant leadership. In the TED Talk posted here, Ms. Bachelder is talking about her signature topic: leadership, in what’s come to be characterized as her own signature way: by talking about serving. Don’t consider yourself a leader? You ought to still listen to this passionate restaurant industry executive’s important learned wisdom—because it just might make you one. Bachelder casts a compelling vision for “service making the leader,” so to speak. Here are just a few of her inspiring and thought-provoking statements: Servant leaders turn the spotlight towards the people and focus all their energy on...Read more …
Talking through (not around) touchy subjects

Talking through (not around) touchy subjects

John and a group of men from his church decided last fall, that they needed to meet more regularly. Aside from a few interactions before and after their corporate worship gatherings, and a small group meeting here and there, the men came to the realization that they really didn’t know each other! And with a church culture excited about getting more involved on the mission of God in the New Year by sharing their faith with others, this group of men agreed: how would they be able to walk alongside and have spiritual conversations with those who believe differently if they didn’t...Read more …
Can you hear me now?

Can you hear me now?

In my work as a hospice chaplain, I recently had an opportunity to be part of a little act of love. I arrived at a home to visit a 97-year old patient just as her caregiver—her granddaughter-in-law, Sally—was struggling to re-arrange the furniture in the living room to make room for our hospital bed. When I arrived, Sally was on the verge of tears, frustrated because she had been unable to get a straight answer from the VA about what to do with their hospital bed in anticipation of the swap. So, I helped her with that and soon enough we...Read more …
Let us help you with your New Year’s resolution!

Let us help you with your New Year’s resolution!

When it comes to being healthy, WebMD, the popular site for health information, says that we really ought to give all our New Year’s resolutions a rest and, instead, set more realistic goals that are not limited to a “once-a-year, do-or-die, all-out assault on that Everest of debt, those flabby thighs, or the hideous wallpaper you keep meaning to replace….'” If we do, the blog continues, “we may actually find that the finish line isn’t so far away after all.” What finish line are you after? According to, the nation’s official Web portal, Americans commonly resolve every January to: Lose weight Manage...Read more …
On the Radio–Today on Walk the Way

On the Radio–Today on Walk the Way

This is Walk the Way, brought to you by Q Place, I’m Jeff Klein. Titus 2:10 finishes with these words: …so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive. Here, Paul is talking about those who call themselves followers of Jesus and how their lives are supposed to make the Gospel attractive. This got me thinking about mine. Did my baseball coaching this summer make the Gospel attractive to everyone at the games? Does my parenting reflect the love of God my Savior? What would someone conclude about my God watching me interact with...Read more …
On the Radio this Week – Walk the Way

On the Radio this Week – Walk the Way

This is Walk the Way, brought to you by Q Place, I’m Jeff Klein. And I’m Pam Klein. As I braced myself for the last final incline on my short run before church, I noticed a group of dads setting up for some sort of race. They had barricaded off the street and right in the middle at the top of the hill, was a line-up of homemade derby cars. A little girl sat inside each one, waiting for a nudge down while someone at the bottom timed how long it would take them to get to the finish line....Read more …

This summer, make your own mountaintop.

“I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.” John 15:1-4 (NLT) At Q Place, we know that in order to bear fruit for the Kingdom, we...Read more …
Another Q Place?!

Another Q Place?!

In the western suburbs of Chicago, I am getting ready to start a new Q Place! Since I travel and split my time between two homes, it has been a challenge to see how to do this. Impossible? Not for our awesome God. He has put a plan together that takes into account my unique circumstances, and He is enabling it to happen! Here’s how it’s unfolding. My friend Laurie has been praying for specific neighbors and friends to come to know Jesus. Laurie introduced me to Sally, a friend from her church. Sally and I discovered that we have...Read more …
Right in your backyard?

Right in your backyard?

Moving to a new U.S. city, people rarely experience a hearty welcome from their new neighbors. Our new international neighbors may experience even less welcome, but it is in their first months of adjustment that those practicing the 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations can introduce them to a loving God.  In the ancient text of Leviticus 19:33, God urges us to welcome the foreigner. In my city of Bellevue, Washington, I have clearly seen the opportunity to do so!  The Pacific Northwest region is experiencing a new wave of immigration—predominantly Chinese—and I have the privilege of serving these families by welcoming...Read more …