Your joy is the gospel’s best witness
Here’s a radio-minute that aired nationally this week on Q Place’s Walk the Way:
This is Walk the Way. Brought to you by Q Place. I’m Jeff Klein.
My friend Chris had planned a special breakfast date with his kids, but as all good things do, it came to an end. It was time to go home.
But since they’d walked to the restaurant, they obviously had to walk back.
Leaving is never as fun as going, and Chris found himself continually urging his crew: Come on Jonathan, let’s go, Shana.
It didn’t work.
So then he tried something new, turning drudgery into a game—Zig-sagging. Skipping. Jumping. Spinning.
Almost immediately, they followed, their progress moving from non-existent and irritating to steady, fun, and joyous.
Chris’s walk home gives us a great picture about how we can welcome others into joining us in life with Jesus: we need to walk in a way that draws them.
Do you want others to follow Christ? Then show them a walk that’s different from the usual.
Is the way you’re walking pointing others to Jesus?
Work on how you walk with a free devotional at walkthewayradio.com.
Inspired, blessed, or challenged by Q Place’s Walk the Way radio minute? Ask your local Christian radio station to add Walk the Way to their program line-up! And make sure to check out the Walk the Way Facebook page. You can join the community there for daily, vibrant spiritual conversations. We hope you’ll catch Q Place…on the radio!