On the Radio – Walk the Way
This is Walk the Way. Brought to you by Q Place. I’m Jeff Klein.
As I travel, speaking to churches to help them become better at making disciples who make disciples, one consistent theme continually emerges: we really don’t know how to move in a way that starts small, grows slowly, and builds deep.
The church at large is so into their weekend worship experiences and big events that it rarely gets around to encouraging the simplicity and intentionality of people walking alongside people.
Now, I’m not down on weekend worship or great events, but they will simply not create disciples who make disciples.
Our focus betrays our belief that evangelism and discipleship happens quickly and that a 10-week sermon series or Sunday School focus is enough.
What if making disciple makers is more like cooking with a crock-pot and not a microwave?
As a vital part of the church of Jesus, what can you do to make these kinds of changes in the way that we share our faith?
To get more coaching so that you can become a disciple-maker, check out qplace.com.
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