What is the rest of the story?
“Hello Americans, this Is Paul Harvey…”
With those words, everyday, news legend Paul Harvey told the nation another true story.
The catch? Every one of his stories had an element of surprise–the “twist” was saved for the end. Mr. Harvey would share it, America would be enthralled, and he’d sign off with his famous, “And now you know…the rest of the story.”
So with a nod to Paul Harvey:
Hello Americans.
In the beginning, God created everything. And it was good. Very good.
But then an enemy came and fractured goodnesses’ connection with its Maker. Our souls were wounded, our relationships broken, and beauty, tarnished.
Yet God never stopped loving what He made and determined to rescue it.
At the center of the rescue? Jesus. When God sent His Son that first Christmas, He established a new Kingdom over which He is King.
But His complete rule over this new Kingdom is something yet to come. What Jesus accomplished on the cross has not yet been fulfilled.
So, what is the rest of the story?
And who is the rest of the story?
That all hope has been met through Jesus and that as the ones who know Him, we are empowered to bring His Kingdom to bear on this earth now, actively and joyfully.
That, friends, is the rest of the story.
Go tell it on the mountain!
Merry Christmas from all of us at Q Place.