The President’s Corner
It all started in Bethlehem more than 2000 years ago when a baby named Jesus was born. When that baby grew up, He gave people a simple invitation, “Follow Me.” And when the purpose for His physical presence on earth was fulfilled, He gave His followers this simple commission, “Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” (Mt. 28:19, The Message).
Over the centuries, people have been transformed by Jesus, and then encouraged to walk the way of Jesus. Q Place has been a part of that movement of making disciples like Jesus did for 55 years.
Thank you for praying and supporting us. As you have prayed, we have seen God working! Here are some highlights from the year:
- We presented six one-day regional VITAL conferences in five major cities: Chicago, Detroit, Seattle, Denver, with two in the San Francisco Bay area! As a result, hundreds of people have been inspired and trained to start Q Places.
- We launched a new Resources section of the Q Place website, so that individuals and churches can have immediate access to resources for information, training, and ongoing support through membership.
- Our church activity in churches has increased by over 500%. Many churches have preached a sermon series on the 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations or hosted Q Place workshops, and church leaders from all over the country have participated in Jesus 3:12 pastor cohort training calls to build a Q Place ministry in their church.
- We have new ways to spread the word about this approach, including 1-minute radio spots called Walk the Way, airing on hundreds of Christian radio stations; our blog, On Q, with posts that integrate the 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations; and a book on the 9 Arts that Tyndale is preparing to launch in early 2016!
So many reasons to give thanks and praise to God!
Have a joy-filled Christmas!
Mary Schaller
Q Place President