Dennis from Southminster Presbyterian Church in Arlington Heights, IL, attended a Q Place VITAL event and heard something he hadn’t heard before: that if people don’t feel judged, they are actually interested in talking about spiritual things. This was exciting for him; and Dennis decided to do something. Equipped with this new piece of information, he invited each person from his engineering firm to go out to lunch with him, one-on-one. Then, while eating lunch together, he asked for their opinion: “I was at a conference where I heard that if people feel safe and not judged, they are willing— and even like—to talk about spiritual things. Does this ring true for you?”
Each one said yes.
He then went on to ask if they would like to meet together regularly to discuss spiritual issues in an environment where they would not be judged. Eight out of the nine people he asked said yes!! So, Dennis started a Q Place at work, with people who identified as Muslim, Hindu, or not connected to any faith at all. And since then, Dennis and his group have been discussing questions in The Complete Book of Questions (with 1001 fantastic conversation starters) and in the Tough Questions series. And they have been having great conversations!
As for me? I was inspired by the way Dennis heard something at VITAL, was prompted by the Holy Spirit, and then simply “tested” it with his co-workers to see if it was true. Whether Dennis even realized it or not, he was beginning spiritual conversations with his co-workers even before his group formally began to meet.
Would you please pray for Dennis and the people in his group?
Would you pray for all of us who are starting up Q Places, that we will hear from the Holy Spirit and courageously share with those we want to invite?
And would you pray for how the Lord would have you begin this exciting journey for yourself?
Nancy Klaassen
Q Place Catalyst
Ottawa, IL