On the Radio – Walk the Way
Not too long ago, I heard Gary Haugen, president and CEO of International Justice Mission, speak. I was incredibly impacted by his passionate reminder that God chose to make his appeal to the world through us.
The Gospel suffers from an image problem. Christians know how much God loves the world. We know that He is good. We’ve experienced the good news!
Yet truth be known, most of the world experiences anything but love and goodness and good news. Most of the world lives in so much darkness. Most of the world lives in so much pain. That is the greatest obstacle the Gospel must overcome.
But what’s the plan to do that? How will those in darkness and such pain see God’s goodness and come to believe that He is good?
Haugen insists we’re it. We’re the plan. I’m inclined to agree.
Living in a way that demonstrates the love of Jesus makes the Gospel message believable.
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