On the Radio – Walk the Way

Have you ever noticed how often Jesus asked people questions?

Remember some of them?

Who do people say that I am?
Do you want to get better?
Where are your accusers woman?
Which is easier to say, your sins are forgiven or take up your matt and walk?
Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?
Jesus was a master at approaching people with a question; questions that got to the heart of the matter for each person they were directed to.

When it comes to sharing our faith, all too often Christians come with a lecture or apologetic argument; we want to convince people of the truth.

But Jesus seemed to take a different approach, asking pointed questions that led people to discover truths for themselves.

Next time the opportunity arises for you to share your faith, instead of being prepared with an answer, why not follow up with a question?


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