Rest for the battle
Here’s a radio-minute that aired nationally this week on Q Place’s Walk the Way:
This is Walk the Way. Brought to you by Q Place. I’m Jeff Klein.
Many Christians today would probably say that living as a believer—especially as one who is trying to make an impact on the world around them—is a battle.
In this battle of cosmic proportions, you can take a number of different postures:
- You can take matters into your own hands and go pick a fight.
- You can run and hide in your church or your Christian “bubble.”
- You can give up and live like everybody else.
- Or, you can be still and rest in the Lord.
In Isaiah 30, we read, “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.”
Moving out as Christ’s ambassador and living your life as a follower of Jesus where you live, work, and play, all begins with this first step: quietness and rest, listening for the Lord and his voice.
Then, in the strength of that relationship, you can head back into the battle, knowing that God is with you.
For more, get our free devotional at walkthewayradio.com at walkthewayradio.com.
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