On the Radio – Walk the Way
This is Walk the Way, I’m Jeff Klein. And I’m Pam Klein.
Martin Luther, the great leader of the Protestant Reformation, once said this: While I drink my little glass of Wittenberg beer, the gospel runs its course.
And Presbyterian Pastor Charles Henderson’s insights regarding Luther’s statement are pretty great reminders:
On occasion Luther could take respite from all the activity of reforming the great medieval church, knowing that God is the ultimate arbiter of our destiny.
No—we are not slaves to the news of this hour; we are rather servants of God who created this world and everything in it. Christians…are capable of giving thanks, not because our blessings are so many, but rather because of this single, solitary fact: we live and move and have our being under the watchful care of a loving God.
So this Thanksgiving, remember to thank God for who He is. And let the reminder of His great love and watchful care be something you can share with others who believe differently.
Happy Thanksgiving from Q Place and Walk the Way.
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