On the Radio this week–Walk the Way
This is Walk the Way. Brought to you by Q Place. I’m Jeff Klein.
Russ works in the tech industry in Silicon Valley, CA; he works with people from all over the world and travels the globe.
Russ also is very connected right where he lives–he’s been intentional about getting to know his neighbors.
So when his church began to continually emphasize the importance of reaching others with the gospel, Russ realized he was actually “positioned” to do so!
Good evangelism requires relationship–and both at work and home, Russ’ life was rich with it.
So Russ signed up for training on How To Start a Q Place and now has a group of people that meet regularly – 4 of whom are Hindus – who have spiritual conversations together.
Russ loves this, saying “I get to be personally involved in the Great Commission.”
Who are you already in relationship with? Are you feeling the Holy Spirit’s nudge to share the Gospel with them?
Go to qplace.com and join me October 14 and 15 at Q Place’s VITAL conference to learn some of the best ways how.
Inspired, blessed or challenged by Q Place’s Walk the Way radio minute? Ask your local Christian radio station to add Walk the Way to their program line-up! And make sure to check out the Walk the Way Facebook page. You can join the community there for daily, vibrant spiritual conversations. We hope you’ll catch Q Place…on the radio!