Critical Keys that Allow us to Be Good News People to those God is Already After

Where do you think God was before you came on the scene?

Do your current maps fit the territory of today?

What are the existential issues of today?

Are you listening?

Alan Hirsch, a thought leader in the missional church movement, recently addressed these questions at AMPLIFY and asserts that our answers to them directly effect how effective we will be in sharing the Gospel, encouraging believers to take heart–that just because people have rejected the church, does not mean they have rejected Jesus or the Gospel.

What is good news for this people group?
In the video that follows Hirsch answers this question, unlocking critical keys so that believers can be good news in the lives of those that God is already after.

For more great content from AMPLIFY 2016 click here – and make sure to mark AMPLIFY 2017 on your calendars, Chicago June 27 – 29, 2017.