Amy’s Story
Amy started attending a Q Place in September after being invited by a neighbor. The group was studying the book of Mark. Amy was seeking truth and faithfully went through each week’s study so that she would be prepared to discuss the ideas that had been covered.
But one afternoon, she knocked on my door and asked for fifteen minutes of my time to talk before she had to pick up her kids from school. I was surprised! Although we were in the Q Place group together, Amy had never come over before. But she certainly seemed as if she had something very important on her mind. I invited her in and asked how I could help.
That’s when Amy said that she wanted to know what it was that I, and several other of the ladies in our group, had that she didn’t. She was searching—and wanted to know how to get whatever it was.
Too say the least, I was caught off guard but also very excited. It was obvious to me that the Holy Spirit was drawing Amy to Christ.
My mind raced. There were time constrictions to deal with at this moment! What would be the quickest way to explain just what Amy was noticing and sensing?! That’s when I remembered the Billy Graham pamphlet Steps to Peace with God that I had in my office. So, I pulled it out and asked if Amy had time to go through it with me. She said she did, and we went through it together, reading it page by page.
Before I knew it, the fifteen minutes that Amy had said that she had, had gone by very quickly! So all I thought to do was to tell Amy that she could take the pamphlet with her and if and when she was ready to accept Christ, she could pray the prayer written at the end of the booklet. To which Amy questioned, “Is there any reason I can’t do this now?”
“But don’t you need to go pick up your kids?” I asked her back.
Amy responded that this was too urgent and that her kids could wait! She wanted to pray right then and there.
I cannot describe the delight it was to usher Amy into the kingdom of God! The Holy Spirit had been at work, putting that urgent desire in her heart. Praise God! And I was able to share the gospel—even in a hurried moment.
When Amy knocked on my door, the opportunity to share the gospel stood right before me. Where are your opportunities? Who do you know that the Holy Spirit is nudging? Just like Peter encourages us in his first letter, I encourage you: be ready to explain the hope you have in Christ.
You will never regret it.
Jan Teat
Q Place National Field Support Leader
What an encouraging (true) story, Jan!!! Thanks for sharing!
Great reminder to be watching and praying for opportunities, and to rely on the Holy Spirit to help us share! Thanks, Jan!