Make Your Own Pizza…Start a Q Place!
Daniel Chae, a college student at Baylor University in Texas, decided he wanted to have spiritual conversations with his fellow students, so he stepped out and launched a Q Place!
At the end of April, photos were texted across the country, along with Daniel’s ecstatic announcement: “The very first Baylor Q Place!” The setting was perfect for college students: a make-your-own pizza night. Daniel reported that the non-Christians outnumbered the Christians. “We even had a Muslim come join us!”
Everyone responded well to the idea of talking about God; they all answered the question, “If you could ask God one thing what would you ask him?”
Daniel summarized his experience this way: “I’m finding Q Place is really giving me life.”
You can experience what Daniel has by teaming up with one or two other followers of Jesus and getting started!
Starting with a nucleus of other believers creates a strong core, provides mutual support, encourages spiritual victory, helps with the practical details, opens up a wider range of friends to invite, shares the burden of discernment, and provides a strong structure for multiplying your group down the road.
Starting a Q Place is as straightforward as what Daniel did at Baylor: Pray and look for other believers who are seeking to love God and love people and then do it!
Where could you start a Q Place? Maybe it’s at your college or your work. Maybe it’s with golf buddies or friends who are training for a marathon. Wherever God is leading you, team up with a couple other followers of Jesus, get started, and then celebrate!
Awesome job Daniel!!!!!