The Simplicity of Sharing
I was getting a routine cut and color from Wendy, a delightful woman in town who had been divorced twice and was recovering from another bad relationship. Over the previous two years I had learned much of her painful story, which included her parents’ tragic deaths when she was fairly young.. Through our regular encounters, sharing our daily lives together for a couple hours every six weeks, we were becoming friends.
I sensed that although she was unwilling to attend any church, Wendy was desperately seeking an internal peace that she thought maybe God could provide. She knew that I was a Christian, as I naturally talked about my faith and my job heading up a ministry as well as being part of the elder team at my church. At one point in our conversation about some of her current relational wounds and struggles, it seemed natural to ask her if she was a Christian. She said “no,” she didn’t go to church. I pointed out to her that going to church wasn’t the determining factor as to whether or not she was a Christian, “just like going into a garage doesn’t make you a car.” Wendy replied, “Well, then what makes you a Christian?”
As she asked this question, I started to silently shoot an arrow prayer to God asking Him to give me the right words to say to this precious woman made in His image but seemingly far from Him. I knew this was a pivotal point in the conversation. “Lord, help me to make it simple and clear to Wendy what it means to be a follower of yours.” He brought to mind the simple ABC language that the ministry of Young Life uses with youth.
So I said, “Well, first you Admit that you are a sinner in need of forgiveness.”
Wendy said, “That’s a ‘no brainer.’ I am clearly in need of forgiveness by God, as I have made so many mistakes in my life.”
Then I said, “Second, you Believe that Jesus is God and He died for your sins.”
She said, “Check, I believe that that too!”
“Then, third and finally, you Commit to giving your life to Jesus and following Him.” I boldly shared this, not knowing how she would respond.
But to my surprise, she said, “I can do that! Does that mean I am a Christian?” And before I could answer, she put both hands up in the air in a celebration posture and said “I am a Christian!”
That was the start of Wendy’s journey in Christ. Eventually, Wendy joined a Q Place I was co-facilitating. Then one day I had the privilege of baptizing Wendy in our nearby lake in the presence of her family and friends.
And it all started with a spiritual conversation in the chair of a beauty salon!
Mary Schaller
Q Place President