Help someone experience it, too.
I remember going to a Christmas concert on a frigid winter night. I made sure to drop my wife, Pam, off at the door. If I didn’t, she’d freeze before even making it inside. Me? I’m not so bothered by the cold. I’d find the place to park.
Once inside, I joined her and we both hunkered down in the upholstered auditorium seats, our coats tucked behind us. Candles glowed in the windows up the aisles and we felt warm despite the bitter temperatures outside.
The music was beautiful. The choirs sang traditional carols and the orchestra played classical melodies and when it was all over, we, the audience, were invited to sing Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus.
Before long, the entire auditorium was singing “the Lord God Omnipotent, reigneth! Hallelujah!” And then, right then and there, I experienced something so much bigger than myself.
I’m sure many of you have experienced something of the same.
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve.
And my prayer for each one of you as you celebrate however you will, is that you will experience even a little hallelujah for yourself; and then, when you do, begin to ask the Lord how He would have you share His amazing glory and unending hallelujahs with someone else.
~Jeff Klein
National Field Director