The President’s Corner

I am struck by the relevance of the book of Nehemiah for this season of Q Place. Nehemiah’s heart breaks to hear that the wall of Jerusalem lies in ruins. He mourns and fasts and prays to God before asking Persia’s King Artaxerxes if he can go and rebuild it. Against all human odds (but with God’s favor) the king says yes, and Nehemiah leads a great team of people to rebuild the wall.

If we think of Q Place as another Nehemiah story, we have been “rebuilding” a way to mobilize more Christians in our culture to share the good news about Jesus through conversations and relationships. But in Nehemiah’s story, there comes a time when passion and commitment are not enough by themselves. Opposition grows as the Jewish people’s enemies see that they are succeeding.

Nehemiah’s mighty band intensifies their prayers to God and posts guards to meet this threat. Eventually even the workers themselves carry a weapon. A man also stays with Nehemiah to sound a trumpet when he senses imminent danger. He tells his team: “The work is extensive and spread out, and we are widely separated from each other along the wall. Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. Our God will fight for us” (4:19-20).

I sense that we have gotten half way through the work of building, to help churches introduce people in the communities around them to God’s Word and a growing relationship with Jesus.

In the months ahead you will continue to hear me challenging all of us to pray more, using the best “weapon” we have, and to stay focused on the job God has given us to do to bring about His Kingdom. I believe that we will see God’s faithfulness and glory unfold at Q Place as we stay in step with His Holy Spirit to achieve it.


Mary Schaller
