Reflections on VITAL: Denver
It’s been a little over a week since VITAL: Denver and people have been asking me what happened. I can tell you some exciting numbers. About 150 attended, with 11 Lead Pastors, 31 additional church staff, three representatives of the Navigator’s National Church Ministry, the Evangelism Director from the Colorado Baptist Convention, and groups from 18 churches. One church brought 19 people from 2 hours away!
I can tell you that people were engaged and animated because of what they heard from excellent speakers (Jeff Klein, Hugh Halter, and Mary Schaller). I can tell you that today I’m getting emails, texts, and calls from attendees saying it was a great conference.
But what happened?
I don’t know! It’s only just begun, which is why we need your continued prayer. While I’m sure the Holy Spirit is stirring in the hearts of many because of the conference, it remains to be seen how they will respond. One person emailed me, “I really enjoyed the conference yesterday. [My 20-something-worship-pastor son] enjoyed it also and felt that it was a breath of fresh air. I am praying about what the Lord is leading me to do. There are so many different ways I could take this; I need to hear from the Lord how he wants me to use it.”
Please keep praying! “The story of prayer is the story of great achievements” (E.M. Bounds).
Fran Goodrich, SW Regional Catalyst
The conference was held in the lower level of Bear Valley Church, a lovely church at the base of the mountain range. The informal venue produced a friendly, engaging atmosphere, and the morning started off with lots of laughter and audience feedback. The room was full with over 150 people, and the times allowing for questions and connections at the tables confirmed that people were ready to learn from and connect with each other and had given up their day to do just that.
One of my highlights was meeting the initiator triad from the “Starting a Q Place” video filmed last year in Denver. When I met them, I was thinking, I already know you! They didn’t know me from Adam, but in that video series, I had seen them walk through the whole process of starting a Q Place! Later in the day they were interviewed, and for me that gave an added dimension to the videos.
I also met my uncle and aunt from Longmont at the conference. It was such a treat that they drove to Denver to see me and to learn more about Q Place!
Jan Teat, Field Support Leader