Where are you today?
A couple years ago, my friend Eileen confessed to Jeff and me—over a nice, mellow, comfy Friday night dinner with her and her husband in their dining room—that she was dissatisfied with her job.
Eileen was apologetic. With the economy unstable and unpredictable, each one of us was well aware that we were fortunate still to have jobs. Many people we knew had lost theirs, or would head to work wondering if this day would be their last among the ranks of the employed.
Eileen was grateful for her paycheck, but restless. “I’m tired of working for a big corporate machine,” she said. “With all due respect, I’d like to change the world.”
There was no arguing that it could use it.
Wars. Hunger and poverty. Religious tensions. Brutal dictators. Corrupt governments. Massive natural disasters. Climate change. Rising nuclear threats. Terrorism. The list was staggering then, and it continues to build! And certainly most of us want to do something. But how do we change the world?
What do you do?
Eileen set out to explore that question for herself. She decided that she could contribute most as a high school math teacher. I wasn’t surprised. Eileen had already been using that part of her gifting in her corporate career.
Not too long after our dinner together, Eileen quit her job, enrolled in a master’s program, completed her degree, got certified, and interned at an inner-city, gang-ridden school. When that was finished, she landed a job in the suburbs and soon had her first year of teaching under her belt.
One day, while we stood together on the sideline of our daughters’ soccer game, Eileen made another confession: She was quitting. Again. Teaching just wasn’t what she thought it would be. Again, Eileen’s tone echoed with frustration and apology.
Was her life as a world changer over? Her former boss loved her and, just like that, gave Eileen a position in the company.
Did Eileen feel defeated, like she’d failed? Did she go back to corporate America with her tail between her legs? I’m not sure how thoroughly she and I ever unpacked all that. I just know this: Eileen never really had to do anything different in order to become a world changer! Wow! If you knew this woman! She’s witty, charming, intelligent, charismatic, engaging. God will use her anywhere!
God can use all of us and all our gifts anywhere!
Do you believe that?
Yes, at times, God calls some of us to change careers and embrace big changes in our lives. But I contend this: God can and will use us wherever we are to be His world changers and disciple makers. Any place or vocation can become holy ground and divine calling.
Where are you today? Live there intentionally. Change that world.
Pam Klein
On Q editor