On the radio this week–Walk the Way

This is Walk the Way. Brought to you by Q Place. I’m Jeff Klein.

How do you know if your church is “getting the job done?”

Determining this is usually equivalent to how many people are sitting in the seats on Sunday morning.

Let’s face it, the more people sitting in worship on a Sunday morning, the more successful we feel.

But is this a good metric?

I’m a Sunday-sitter. But during the rest of the week am I engaged with my neighbors? My co-workers? Am I on the mission of God bringing the Kingdom to where I live, work, and play?

What’s your impact on those around you? Maybe we could measure more than the number of Sunday sitters.

Yes. Do we eventually desire that new believers would join us in our worship of Him? Of course!

But what are we doing to make that happen on the “off days?”

Like building meaningful friendships with a neighbor?
Having meaningful conversations with a co-worker?
Or praying for someone who is far from God.

For new things to measure, check out qplace.com.



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