On the Radio – Walk the Way
This is Walk the Way. Brought to you by Q Place. I’m Jeff Klein. And I’m Pam Klein.
Yonas is a friend from our church.
Originally a refugee from Ethiopia, when Yonas first arrived, his neighbor, Johannes, welcomed him and walked alongside him. Yonas talks about how important Johannes was in his life, giving Johannes credit for leading him to Christ.
Just recently, Johannes died, leaving his wife Zemzem behind. Yonas wanted to help this man who’d helped him in so many ways and offered to help Zemzem with some outside house maintenance.
Our church family had the privilege of joining Yonas in Zemzem’s yard weeding, mowing, trimming, spreading mulch, and planting flowers.
All this to let Zemzem know — and anyone else who might have been watching on that Sunday morning — just how much God cares.
Instead of going to church, we became the church and offered the world a beautiful picture of what it means to be followers of Jesus.
Serving together does that.
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