On the Radio this Week – Walk the Way
This is Walk the Way, brought to you by Q Place, I’m Jeff Klein. And I’m Pam Klein.
Chicago was so crowded the night we went in for my birthday dinner! We’d forgotten it was the same day as the Gay Pride parade. But one look at all the colorful clothing that surrounded us and it clicked.
Fortunately, we secured an Uber to get us around downtown.
Tangela was our driver–and was she ever decked out! Blue lipstick. A great hat with a huge heart on it, rainbow fingernails. Festive to the “nth” degree! And before we knew it, it was like Tangela and the Kleins were long lost friends.
At our destination, we made sure we got her phone number for the future and she told us that we were so much nicer than another family she’d driven earlier. That we made her feel welcome in her own car.
I’l take it.
“They’ll know we’re Christians by our love.”
Yes, indeed. Tangela – here’s hoping our paths cross again.
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