Team Up in a Triad!
When you’re starting a Q Place, don’t do it alone! You could start with just one partner, but it’s best to team up with two other followers of Jesus. Together you will be an initiator triad—the nucleus of your new Q Place.
Why start with a triad?
Strong core. A triad is the perfect size to be both transparent and mutually accountable. When your triad is transparent, accountable, and immersed in Scripture for transformation, you have a community that is perfect for spiritual growth.
Mutual support. With your mixture of gifts, skills, and personalities, you will balance each other’s strengths and weaknesses as you walk alongside people who believe differently. In the group, you will be more able to ensure that everyone is respected, valued, and heard as they share their thoughts and grow in their understanding of God.
Spiritual victory. As you discuss life, God, and the Bible with people who have not yet come to know Jesus, there is a spiritual enemy who will want to defeat and conquer you. Ecclesiastes 4:12 states, A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. When you pray and seek God’s direction through the ups and downs of your group, you can encourage, affirm, and be vigilant for each other.
Practical logistics. There will be times when one of you cannot attend the meeting, but with three initiators at least two of you will still be there in the discussion.
Friends to invite. In a Q Place it’s ideal for participants to outnumber the initiators so the participants feel safe to be open about their questions. When you start with a triad, each of you will know some people to invite so you will have a larger pool of participants.
Decisions. When your group gets started you will find great comfort and adventure in listening together for God’s leading rather than bearing the weight of trying to discern God’s guidance on your own.
Multiplication. A triad is a strong structure for multiplying your group. As your group grows, and as people in the group come to know Him, one or two of you can be ready to help a new believer become part of an initiator triad themselves—and launch a new group!
How can I find a triad?
Pray and look for Christians who are seeking to love God and love people. The acronym FAITH highlights essential initiator qualities, so ask yourself if individuals that you are considering are:
Faithful. Do they follow through?
Available. Will they make time for your group?
Inspired. Are they growing in Jesus?
Teachable. Are they open to the Q Place approach?
Humble. Will they serve with a sensitive heart?
Where to Look. Think about where God is leading you to start a Q Place. (Your workplace? Your neighborhood? Your YMCA or fitness center?) Then pray for God to guide you to Christians who would be a natural fit for starting a group in that area. If you don’t know the location, then go ahead and pray for a triad that will help you with that question—and keep your eyes open! Once you think you have found someone, be sure to ask the person directly and personally.
- Ask your pastor or other church leaders if they know someone who might be interested in learning how to start a Q Place with you.
- If your church has gone through Q Place’s 9 Arts curriculum, talk with individuals who have been practicing the Arts and let them know you are looking for triad members so you can start a Q Place.
- Ask a Christian neighbor, co-worker, or friend to be in your triad.
This article is adapted from the Q Place resource “Find Your Triad.” Click here to get your full copy!
Fran Goodrich
SW Regional Catalyst