Summertime! Get to know your neighbors!
What do you think Jesus meant when He said, “Love your neighbor as yourself?”
Why not find out by getting to know yours better this summer!
One way to do this is by hosting (or co-hosting with another neighbor) a neighborhood cookout, BBQ or summer fresh dessert night!
Here are some tips for your event:
- If a cookout doesn’t work where you live, make the party or dessert a potluck–everyone will enjoy contributing by bringing something to share.
- When your guests arrive, give them large nametags. Have them write their name in the center. Then in the four corners, ask them to write the name of the town where they were born, their occupation, a hobby, and a childhood hero. This information can serve as conversation starters.
- Include a time for each guest to talk about him or herself: a favorite summer memory, vacation, or a favorite thing about the neighborhood.
- Don’t connect your party with any particular church. This is simply neighbors getting to know each other, and you sharing your life with them.
- Blanket your party—and your neighborhood—in prayer, before, during and after the gathering.
Watch for God at work!