On the Move with the 9 Arts Book!
With the official launch of the 9 Arts book, Q Place has been on the move! On April 20 and 21 we celebrated the book release in the San Francisco Bay area and in Seattle and had the privilege to share stories, cast vision, and give out copies to those who came!
Here are some highlights from Q Place’s time out West:
- Pastor James B. of Union Church described meaningful encounters he’s had in a Seattle coffee shop. His conclusion? “People want to talk about God if it is safe and they are not judged. They’re willing to come to church too if they sense they will be received in the same manner.”
- Kristen and Rachel, both in their twenties, shared how they, as followers of Jesus, had questions, and Seattle Lead Catalyst Susan Burbank helped them to launch a Q Place with their friends! At the first meeting, Kristen was amazed at the responses to the question “If you could ask God one question and you knew He would answer, what would you ask Him?” Rachel was surprised about how easy it was to invite people to a Q Place where the conversation centers on life, God, and the Bible.
- Damaris from San Mateo described the adventure of preparing to start a Q Place with two friends, and her excitement in trusting God as they invite people to come.
- Cathy from San Jose, CA, told how she was welcomed into a Q Place after her husband died. It was a safe place to wrestle with questions and she came to know Jesus!
- Pastor Dave Chae told how he has been in conversations with a Hindu friend who is now open to studying the Bible with him. In his Bay area church, multiple Q Places are being launched.
- Diane from Bellevue, WA, talked about her experience of meeting many women at her kids’ sporting events who were open to spiritual topics. They readily accepted invitations to join a group where they could talk about God and the Bible. That group has multiplied several times!
At both events, Rich Berg, CEO of Performance Trust, spoke candidly about what has gripped him as an investor in Q Place:
Church attendance is declining, our culture is growing more and more secular, and Christians are terrified to talk with non-believing friends about spiritual matters. In this scene, Q Place helps everyday Christians engage in conversations about God and empowers them to form groups where people can meet Jesus. I am committed to helping fund Q Place’s growth and I am looking for other visionary givers to join me.
Stay tuned for this event coming to the Chicago area in the fall!