On the Radio – Walk the Way
This is Walk the Way. Brought to you by Q Place. I’m Jeff Klein. And I’m Pam Klein.
Not too long ago, a friend texted me a picture of her youngest son, painting, helping out at a service project with our church.
I sat back and marveled at how God works.
We met this family years ago when we were novice gymnast parents – but they weren’t and they took it upon themselves to get us in the loop.
No problem, they said, as we thanked them over and over, we’ll be spending lots of time together.
They were so right. I couldn’t count the number of hours over the years that we ate together, shared bleachers, and checked in and out of the same hotels. All for gymnastics.
And obviously, for something else, too.
Years later we were worshipping and serving together and Jeff officiated at Katinka’s Quinceanera,
And God is up to something new and amazing in that family.
What about you?
Who are you hanging out with right now?
Ever wondered if there’s a bigger reason for it?
Join the conversation on facebook.com/walktheway.
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