We are just beginning a new year—2016 lies before us open and waiting. And with resolution-making and goal setting at their height, perhaps there is no better time to think about how you will intentionally join God in His mission to bring all people back into relationship with Him.
Let’s talk about that word: intentionally.
Intentionality is related to the Hebrew concept kavanah, which comes from the Hebrew root meaning “to direct, intend, focus.” The notion combines action and intent, and its implications are clear: A person lives in a meaningful way by taking thoughtful, deliberate actions. Yet even further study of the word reveals this: The catalyst behind the intent, focus, and direction is the expectation of God’s active Presence.
God’s active involvement in our lives and our active listening to His direction informs our intentions and steps.
In regard to sharing our faith, what would happen this year if we each moved in kavanah?
Will we intend to wait patiently on God, expecting His Presence to direct and guide as we embark on joining Him in His mission to bring the good news of the gospel to the chaos of this world?
Will we intend, then, to take the steps He reveals for us to take? Will we take them how He intends? When and with whom He wants us to?
Like all the other years behind us, 2016 will be full of choices and options and myriad ways to spend our time. But when it comes to sharing about Jesus, what will you intend?
Q Place invites you this year to kavanah with us.
Jeffrey Klein
National Field Director