On the Radio – Walk the Way
This is Walk the Way, brought to you by Q Place, I’m Jeff Klein.
I recently spoke at a camp to about 350 high school students. At 55 years old, that’s a stretch. Aren’t camp speakers supposed to be cool, young, and handsome?
Maybe. And if I ever was all that, it’s long gone. But age has brought along with it a new secret weapon: I ask questions.
One student even told me that I was more social than most speakers.
Interesting. Could it be because of the great conversation I’d just had with her and her whole cabin?
And all I did was ask them questions. But questions made them feel cared for and made me seem ‘social.’ That’s the power of being curious about people.
When I was younger and cooler, I was really bad at this. I thought cool was all about me. But now I know cool makes conversation where the other person is the focus.
Can you imagine the power of asking questions for helping the world understand who Jesus is?
Get cool. Start asking questions. And check out how at qplace.com/walktheway.
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